Using EMDR in Therapy and Coaching to Address Negative Body Image

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy model created by Dr. Francine Shapiro to help clients reduce anxiety, reprocess traumatic memories, and manage difficult life situations. Studies have concluded that the outcomes of successful EMDR therapy include positive cognitive restructuring, desensitization to disturbing memories, and increased self-insight (King, W 2015, EMDR therapy basic training course). Basically, wherever there is a compelling thought about yourself, or distortion, EMDR can potentially help.

For more information please watch this video:


The Problem

Regarding body image, there are two places we go in our mind when stuck in the diet/restriction mindset. One is harkening back to a body we once had and the other is fantasizing about a future body we will achieve. Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS and author of Anti-Diet and The Wellness Trap, calls this predicament “the life thief” because it keeps you stuck in the past or future rather than living in the present moment. As Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” applies even when we are comparing our present body to a past or future body. I like to introduce clients to the concept of the here and now body, the body you actually live in now. Clients often are initially very resistant to this concept, but over time find it to be an anchor and portal into self-acceptance, compassion, embodiment and peace.


The problem is that this process can sometimes take months or years with talk therapy or coaching to turn around body loathing. Talk therapy works with the right person guiding you. There are many ways to reframe negative body thinking and experiments to try (homework). Unfortunately, some clients are so flooded with emotions regarding their bodies that it’s hard to break through.

One Solution

There is an EMDR technique that I use with clients that when applied can begin to resolve the discrepancies in the mind between chasing the thin ideal and living in the here and now body. This technique can reduce the emotions attached to negative thinking and has been shown to move people out of a comparison mindset on the deep level where the life thief lives in your brain. I can’t guarantee that you’ll suddenly love every picture of yourself, since after all very few of us have the camera crew and lighting that models have to get that seemingly perfect shot. But you will likely not be as impacted by negative thoughts about yourself. And you will then probably focus more on what a great time you had in that picture with family, friends or a partner, rather than be hyper focused on how your body looks.


If you’d like to know more:

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I offer Body Image and Intuitive Eating therapy and/or coaching to people who need support with accepting their bodies and learning how to incorporate intuitive eating principles into daily living. I use EMDR with my coaching and therapy clients as I am certified in both EMDR and Intuitive Eating counseling. For a free 20 minute consultation, please text or call me at 408-637-7502.